The following articles are provided for scholarly
purposes only. Please ensure you have appropriate
subscriptions/permissions to access the articles before
downloading them.
Zhang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Peng, X.; Achitoff, S.; Torrens, P.M.; Sun, Q. (2024). "May the force be with you: dexterous finger force-aware VR interface." Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR). Bellevue, WA, USA, October 21-25, 2024. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE. |
Kim, R. & Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Boundary SPH for robust particle-mesh interaction in three dimensions." Algorithms, 17(5): 218. |
Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Ten traps for non-representational theory in human geography." Geographies, 4(2): 253-286. |
Kim, R. & Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Building verisimilitude in VR with high-fidelity local action models: a demonstration supporting road-crossing experiments." Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, June 24-26, 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA, edited by M. Loper and A. Pellegrini, pp. 119-130. |
Vyas, H. & Torrens, P.M. (2024). "Tackling "leaky" facial and object recognition operations over federated learning". In Proceedings of the 2024 4th Interdisciplinary Conference on Electrics and Computer (INTCEC), Chicago, IL, USA, June 11-13, 2024, eds. N. Bizon, J. M. Lopez-Guede and B. Selami, 1-5. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE. |
Torrens, P.M. & Kim, R. (2024). "Evoking embodiment in immersive geosimulation environments." Annals of GIS, 30(1): 35-66. |
Torrens, P.M. & Kim, R. (2024). "Using immersive virtual reality to study road-crossing sustainability in fleeting moments of space and time." Sustainability, 16(3): 1327. |
Chen, M.; Liu, X.; Claramunt, C.; Çöltekin, A.; Peng, P.; Lotfian, M.; Robinson, A.C.; Golay, F.; Joost, S.; Ingensand, I.; Batty, M.; Kwan, M-P.; Senousi, A.M.; Cheng, T.; Strobl, J.; Wilson, J.; Bandrova, T.; Konecny, M.; Torrens, P.M.; Zhang, F.; He, L.; Wang, J.; Ratti, C.; Kolditz, O.; Klippel, A.; Li, S.; Lin, H.; Lü, G. (2023). "Artificial intelligence and visual analytics in geographical space and cyberspace: Research opportunities and challenges". Earth Science Reviews, 104438 (open access). |
Torrens, P.M. (2023). "Agent models of customer journeys on retail high streets". "Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (JEIC), 18 (1): 87-128. Open acces here |
Torrens, P.M. and Gu, S. (2023). "Inverse augmentation: transposing real people into pedestrian models". Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 100: 101923. (Open access.) |
Torrens, P.M. (2022). "Smart and sentient retail high streets". Smart Cities, 5(4): 1670-1720 (open access here). |
Zhang, Y., Liang, B., Chen, B. Torrens, P.M., Atashzar, S.F., Lin, D., Sun, Q. (2022). "Force-aware interface via electromyography for natural VR/AR interaction". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41 (6):268: 1-18. |
Torrens, P.M. (2022) "Data science for pedestrian and high street retailing as a framework for advancing urban informatics to individual scales". Urban Informatics 1: 9 ( Open access pdf here. |
Chen, M.; Liu, X.; Claramunt, C.; Batty, M.; Kwan, M.; Senousi, A.M.; Cheng, T; Strobl, J.; Arzu, C.; Wilson, J.; Bandrova, T.; Konecny, M.; Torrens, P.M.; Li, H.; Wang, J.; Ratti, C.; Kolditz, O.; Klippel, A.; Li, S.; Lin, H.; Zhang, F.; Lü, G. (2022) "Geographic information science in the era of geospatial big data: a cyberspace perspective". The Innovation, 3(5): 100279. (Open access pdf is here.) |
Torrens, P.M. & Gu, S. (2021) "Real-time experiential geosimulation in virtual reality with immersion-emission". In GeoSim '21: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoSpatial Simulation. November 2, 2021, pp. 19-28. 10.1145/3486184.3491079. |
Prakash, B.A.; Torrens, P.M.; Wigginton, K.; Yin, J. (2021) "National Symposium on PRedicting Emergence of Virulent Entities by Novel Technologies (PREVENT)". NSF Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) Workshop Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Tech. 52 pages. |
Potdar, K. & Torrens, P.M. (2019) "Modelling spatio-temporal patterns in pedestrian behavior at the edge with Jetson SOMs". NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC), Washington, D.C., November 4-6: DCP91291. |
Kim, J.-S.; Kavak, H.; Zufle, A.Z.; Crooks, A.; Manzoor, U.; Torrens, P.M. (2019) "GeoSim 2018 workshop report the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on geospatial simulation". SIGSPATIAL Newsletter 10 (3):28-29. |
Lan, H.; Torrens, P.M., Zheng, X. (2018) "Spark Sensing: A Cloud Computing Framework to Unfold Processing Efficiencies for Large and Multiscale Remotely Sensed Data, with Examples on Landsat 8 and MODIS Data". Journal of Sesnors: 2075057. |
Torrens, P.M. (2018) "Artificial intelligence and behavioral geography". In Handbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Geography, ed. D. R. Montello, 357-372. Cheltnam: Edward Elgar Publishing. |
Hong, L.; Fu, C.; Torrens, P.M.; Frias-Martinez, V. (2017) "Understanding citizen's and local governments' digital communications during natural disasters: the case of snowstorms". In: Fox, P.; McGuinness, D.; Poirier, L. (Eds.) Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2017, Troy, NY, June 25-28, 2017, pp. 141-150. |
Torrens, P.M. (2017). "A computational sandbox with human automata for exploring perceived egress safety in urban damage scenarios". International Journal of Digital Earth 11 (4):369-396. |
Torrens, P.M. (2016). "Computational streetscapes". Computation 4(3):37. |
Torrens, P.M. (2016). "Exploring behavioral regions in agents mental maps". Annals of Regional Science 57(2):309-334. |
He, J., L. Hong, V. Frias-Martinez, and Torrens, P.M. (2015). Uncovering social media reaction pattern to protest events: a spatiotemporal dynamics perspective of Ferguson unrest. In Social Informatics, eds. T.-Y. Liu, C. N. Scollon and W. Zhu, 67-81. Berlin: Springer International Publishing |
Lin, H.; Batty, M.; Jørgensen, S.E.; Fu, B.; Konecny, M.; Voinov, A.; Torrens, P.M.; Lu, G.; Zhu, A-X.; Wilson, J.P.; Gong, J.; Kolditz, O.; Bandrova, T.; Chen, M. (2015) “Virtual environments begin to embrace process-based geographic analysis”. Transactions in GIS, 19(4): 493-498 |
Torrens, P.M. (2015) “Intertwining agents and environments”, Environmental Earth Sciences, 74: 7117-7131 |
Torrens, P.M. (2015) "Slipstreaming human geosimulation in virtual geographic environments". Annals of GIS, 21(4): 325-344 |
Torrens, P.M. (2015) “Geographical agents in three dimensions”. In Geocomputation: A Practical Primer, Singleton, A. & Brunsdon, C. (Eds.) London: Sage, pp. 21-39 |
Mishra, S.; Welch, T.F.; Torrens, P.M.; Fu, C.; Knaap, E.; Zhu, H. (2014) "A tool for measuring and visualizing connectivity of transit stop, route and transfer center in a multimodal transportation network", Public Transport: Planning and Operations. Online first (10.1007/s12469-014-0091-2) |
Torrens, P.M. (2014) “High-fidelity behaviors for model people on model streetscapes”, Annals of GIS, 20(3): 139-157 (DOI 10.1080/19475683.2014.944933) |
Torrens, P.M. (2014). "High resolution space-time processes for agents at the built–human interface of urban earthquakes", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(5): 964-986 |
Torrens, P.M., Kevrekidis, I.; Ghanem, R.; Zou, Y. (2013). "Simple urban simulation atop complicated models: multi-scale equation-free computing of sprawl using geographic automata", Entropy, 15(7): 2606-2634 (DOI 10.3390/e15072606) [open access] |
Torrens, P.M. & Griffin, W.A. (2013)
“Exploring the micro-social geography of children’s
interactions in preschool: a long-term observational study
and analysis using Geographic Information Technologies”.
Environment and Behavior, 45(5): 584-614 (DOI:10.1177/0013916512438885) |
P.M. & Nara, A. (2012)
“Polyspatial agents for multi-scale urban
simulation and regional policy analysis”. Regional
Science Policy and Practice, 4(4) 419-445
(DOI: 10.1111/j.1757-7802.2012.01084.x) |
Torrens, P.M.
(2012) “Building mega-models for megacities”. In Complexity
and Planning:
Systems, Assemblages and Simulations, De
Roo, Gert; Hiller, Jean; and Van
Wezemael, Joris (Eds.). Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 409-427 |
Zou, Y.; Torrens, P.M.;
Ghanem, R.; Kevrekidis, I. (2012) “Accelerating
agent-based computation of complex urban systems”. International Journal of
Geographical Information Science (DOI:
10.1080/13658816.2012.669891) |
Torrens, P.M. (2012). "Moving
agent-pedestrians through space and time". Annals
of the Association of American Geographers,
102(1): 35-66 (DOI: 10.1080/00045608.2011.595658) |
Torrens, P.M., Nara, A.; Li, X.; Zhu, H.; Griffin, W.A.;
Brown, S.
(2012) “An extensible simulation environment and movement
metrics for
testing walking behavior in agent-based models”. Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems 36(1):
(DOI: 0.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2011.07.005) |
P.M. (2012) “Urban geosimulation”. In Agent-Based
Models of Geographical Systems: Moving from Theory to
Real World Applications, Heppenstall, A.;
Crooks, A.; See, L.; Batty, M. (Eds.). Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, pp.
435-451 (DOI:
10.1007/978-90-481-8927-4_20) |
Torrens, P.M., Li,
X., Griffin, W.A. (2011). “Building
agent-based walking models by machine-learning on
diverse databases of space-time trajectory samples”.
Transactions in Geographic Information Science,
15(s1): 67-94 [movie
demo link]
Nara, A., and P. M. Torrens (2011) "Trajectory data mining: classification and spatio-temporal visualization of mobile objects". In Proceedings of Geocomputation 2011, July 20-22, London, eds. T. Cheng, P. A. Longley, C. Ellul and A. Chow, 338-345. London: Geocomputation. |
Torrens, P.M.
(2010). “Geography
and computational social science”. GeoJournal,
75(2): 133-148 (DOI: 10.1007/s10708-010-9361-y)
Torrens, P.M. (2010). “Agent-based
modeling and the spatial sciences”. Geography
Compass, 4(5): 428-448 (DOI:
10.1111/j.1749-8198.2009.00311.x |
Torrens, P.M.
(2009) “Process models and next-generation geographic
information technology”. In GIS
Best Practices: Essays on Geography and GIS.
Redlands, CA: ESRI Press, pp. 63-75. |
Torrens, P.M.
(2009). “Cellular
automata”, in: Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. (Eds.), International
Encyclopedia of Human Geography, London: Elsevier,
pp. 1-4. |
Torrens, P.M.
(2009). “Process
models and next-generation geographic information
technology”, ArcNews, 31(2) (summer): 1-4 |
Torrens, P.M.
(2008). "Modeling
megacity futures". Symposium on Megacities,
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Viterbi
School of Engineering, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles,
November 10-11, 2008 |
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Novel
cartographies of cyberspace will add value to online
navigation, search, and business intelligence”, in
Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific: The Future
of Science and Technology, Palo Alto: Institute
for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “The
small-scale geography of patterns and processes will
become instrumental in exploring nano-scale worlds”, in Pang,
Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific: The Future of
Science and Technology, Palo Alto: Institute for
the Future |
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “The
shortcomings of online mapping services will constrain
their extensibility”, in Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim
(Ed.), Signtific: The Future of Science and
Technology, Palo Alto: Institute for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Next-generation
interfaces for maps are needed to keep pace with the
world's evolving geography and data”, in Pang,
Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific: The Future of
Science and Technology, Palo Alto: Institute for
the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Process
models will dominate innovation on the Geospatial and
Semantic Webs”, in Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific:
The Future of Science and Technology, Palo Alto:
Institute for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Competition
in the commercialization of geodata and geospatial
services will intensify”,
in Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific: The
Future of Science and Technology, Palo Alto:
Institute for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Geosimulation
will infiltrate mainstream modeling and geoprocessing
on the Web”, in Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific:
The Future of Science and Technology, Palo Alto:
Institute for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Geospatial
technology blurs the boundary between cyberspace and
urban space to form geocomputable cities”, in
Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific: The Future
of Science and Technology, Palo Alto: Institute
for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “Geodemographics
will grow increasingly important to future business
intelligence”, in Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific:
The Future of Science and Technology, Palo Alto:
Institute for the Future
Torrens, P.M. (2008) “The
popularity of geospatial information and hardware will
usher-in a next generation of privacy concerns”,
in Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim (Ed.), Signtific: The
Future of Science and Technology, Palo Alto:
Institute for the Future
Shiode, N.
& Torrens, P. M. (2008) “Comparing
the growth dynamics of real and virtual cities”. In
Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains,
Hornsby, K. & Yuan, M., (Eds.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press. |
Torrens, P.M.
(2008) “A
toolkit for measuring sprawl”. Applied
Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1(1): 5-36 (DOI:
10.1007/s12061-008-9000-x) |
Torrens, P.M.
(2008) "Wi-Fi
geographies". Annals
of the Association of American Geographers
98(1): 59-84 (DOI: 10.1007/s12061-008-9000-x) |
Torrens, P.M.
(2007) “Behavioral
intelligence for geospatial agents in urban environments”,
IEEE Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2007). Los
Alamitos, CA, IEEE, pp. 63-66 |
Nara, A. &
Torrens, P.M. (2007) “Spatial
and temporal analysis of pedestrian egress behavior
and efficiency”, In Association of Computing
Machinery (ACM) Advances in Geographic Information
Systems, Samet, H.; Shahabi, C.; Schneider,
M.(Eds.) New York, ACM, pp. 284-287 |
Torrens, P.M. (2007) “A
geospatial exoskeleton for behavioral agents in
urban simulations”, Agent 2007: Complex Interaction
and Social
Emergence, North, M.; Macal, C.; Sallach, D. (Eds.)
Argonne, IL,
Argonne National Labs and University of Chicago, pp.
457-464 |
Griffin, W.; Schmidt, S.; Nara, A.; Torrens,
P.M.; Sechler, C. (2007) “Integrating
ABM and GIS to model typologies of playgroup
dynamics in preschool children”, Agent
2007: Complex Interaction and Social Emergence,
North, M.; Macal, C.; Sallach, D. (Eds.)Argonne,
IL, Argonne National Labs and University of
Chicago, pp. 17-24
K.; Peng, Z.; Crittenden, J.; Guhathakurta, S.; Sawhney,
A.; Fernando,
H.; McCartney, P.; Grimm, N.; Joshi, H.; Konjevod, G.;
Choi, Y.;
Winter, S.; Gerrity, D.; Kahhat, R.; Chen, Y.; Allenby,
B.; Torrens,
P.M. (2007) “Development
of a framework for quantifying the environmental impacts
of urban development and construction practices”. Environmental
Science and Technology 41(14) pp 5130 - 5136 (DOI:
10.1021/es062481d) |
Torrens, P.M. (2006) “Simulating
sprawl”. Annals of the Association of American
Geographers 96(2): 248–275. |
Torrens, P.M. (2006)
“Remote sensing as dataware for human settlement
simulation”. In Remote Sensing of Human Settlements,
M. Ridd and Hipple, J. D.(Eds.). Bethesda: American
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, pp. 693-699
Torrens, P.M. (2006) “Geosimulation
and its application to urban growth modeling”. In Complex
Artificial Environments, J. Portugali (Eds),
London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 119-134 |
Torrens, P. M. (2006)
“Agent-based models”. In The Encyclopedia of Human
Geography, B. Warf (Ed.), Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp.
1-2 |
Allen, P. M., &
Torrens, P.M. (2005) “Knowledge
and complexity”. Futures, 37(7),
581-584 |
Batty, M. & Torrens,
P.M. (2005) “Modeling
and prediction in a complex world”. Futures,
37(7): 745-766 |
Allen, P.M. & Torrens,
P.M. (2005) (Eds.) “Knowledge
and complexity”. Futures, 37(7/8) |
Torrens, P. M. &
Benenson, I. (2005) “Geographic
Automata Systems”. International Journal of
Geographic Information Science, 19(4): 385-412 |
Torrens, P.M. “Geosimulation
and transport modeling”. (2004) In Handbook of
Transportation Geography and Spatial Systems 5, P.
Stopher, K. Button, K. Haynes, D. Hensher (Eds.), London:
Pergamon/Elsevier Science, pp. 549-565 |
Benenson, I. & Torrens,
P.M. (2004) “A
minimal prototype for integrating GIS and geographic
simulation through Geographic Automata Systems”. In
GeoDynamics, P. Atkinson, G. Foody, S. Darby, F.
Wu (Eds.) Florida: CRC Press, pp. 347-369 |
Benenson, I. & Torrens,
P.M. (2004) “Geosimulation:
object-based modeling of urban phenomena”. Computers,
Environment and Urban Systems
28 (1/2): 1-8 (This article is provided for scholarly
puropses only.
Please ensure you have appropriate
subscriptions/permissions to access
this article before downloading) |
Benenson, I. & Torrens,
P.M. (Eds.) (2004) “Geosimulation:
Object-Based Modelling of Urban Phenomena”. Special
Issue, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems,
28 (1/2) |
Benenson, I. & Torrens,
P.M. (2004) Geosimulation:
Automata-Based Modeling of Urban Phenomena.
London: John Wiley & Sons |
Torrens, P.M. (2003) “Automata-based
models of urban systems”. In Advanced Spatial
Analysis, P. Longley & M. Batty (Eds.),
Redlands, ESRI Press, pp. 61-79 |
Benenson, I. & Torrens,
P.M. (2003) “Geographic
Automata Systems: A new paradigm for integrating GIS and
geographic simulation”. In Proceedings of the
7th International Conference on Geocomputation.
Martin, D. (Ed.). Southampton, GeoComputation CD-ROM |
Torrens, P.M. (2003)
“SprawlSim: modeling sprawling urban growth using
automata-based models”. In Agent-Based
Models of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, D.
Parker, T.Berger, S. Manson (Eds.). Belgium, LUCC
International Project Office, pp. 72-79 |
Torrens, P.M. (2002) “Cellular
automata and multi-agent systems as planning support
tools”. In Planning Support Systems in Practice,
S. Geertman & J. Stillwell (Eds.). London,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 205-222 |
Torrens, P.M. (2001) “Where
in the world? Exploring the factors driving place
location knowledge among secondary level students in
Dublin, Ireland”. Journal of Geography
100 (2): 49-61 (This article is provided for scholarly
puropses only.
Please ensure you have appropriate
subscriptions/permissions to access
this article before downloading) |
Torrens, P. M. & O'
Sullivan, D. (2001) “Cellular
automata and urban simulation: where do we go from here?”.
Environment and Planning B 28 163-168
(DOI:10.1068/b2802ed) |
M., D. Chapman, S. Evans, M. Haklay, S. Kueppers, N.
Shiode, A. Smith
and P.M. Torrens (2001) “Visualizing the city:
communicating urban
design to planners and decision-makers” In Planning
Support Systems: Integrating Geographic Information
Systems, Models, and Visualization Tools,
R. K. Brail and R. E. Klosterman (Eds.). Redlands, CA and
Brunswick, NJ, ESRI Press and Center for Urban Policy
Research Press,
pp. 405-443 |
Torrens, P.M. “Can
geocomputation save urban simulation? Throw some agents
into the mixture, simmer, and wait…”. CASA
Working Paper 32, University College London, Centre
for Advanced Spatial Analysis |
Batty, M. & Torrens,
P.M. (2001) “Modeling
complexity: the limits to prediction.” CyberGeo
201 |
Batty, M. & Torrens,
P.M. (2001) “Modeling complexity: the limits to
prediction”, CASA Working Paper 36, University
College London, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis |
Torrens, P. M. (2001) “New
tools for simulating housing choices”. In Program
on Housing and Urban Policy Conference Paper Series
University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Business
and Economic
Research and Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban
Economics |
Torrens, P. M. (2000) “How
cellular models of urban systems work”. CASA
Working Paper 28. University College London, Centre
for Advanced Spatial Analysis |
O'Sullivan, D. and Torrens,
P.M. (2000) “Cellular
models of urban systems”. In Theoretical and
Practical Issues on Cellular Automata. S. Bandini
and T. Worsch (Eds.) London, Springer-Verlag, pp. 108-117
Torrens, P.M. &
Alberti, M. (2000) “Measuring
sprawl”. CASA Working Paper 27. University
College London, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis |
Batty, M., D. Chapman, S.
Evans, M. Haklay, S. Kueppers, N. Shiode, A. Smith and
P.M. Torrens (2000) "Visualizing
the city: Communicating urban design to planners and
decision-Makers". CASA Working Paper 26. University
College London, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. |
O'Sullivan, D. &
Torrens, P.M. (2000). "Cellular
models of urban systems". CASA Working Paper 22.
University College London, Centre for Advanced Spatial
Analysis. |
Torrens, P. M. (2000) “How
land-use and transportation models work”. CASA
Working Paper 20. University College London, Centre
for Advanced Spatial Analysis |
Torrens, P. M. and D.
O'Sullivan (2000) “Cities,
cells, and cellular automata: developing a research
agenda for urban geocomputation”. In Proceedings
of the Fifth Annual Conference on GeoComputation, Manchester,
GeoComputation CD-ROM |